Today we are here to do A Court Of Thorns And Roses Book Review, a New York Times bestseller that still has not lessened in its popularity over the years. We hope to talk about the book’s plot, its themes, and especially its characters. Is it really what it has made to be? a story taking light from the beauty of the beast?
In this honest and hard look at A Court of Thorns and Roses, we will truly judge if the book has been gifting to the reader’s mind or maybe just a nonsensical read that you just had been fed.
A Court Of Thorns And Roses Book Review- We Start Here
A Court Of Thorns And Roses Book has been widely talked about for quite some time now. All in all, it was a hit for many readers, and they have already made it their favorite book, but it’s not like the whole book was good. Even a reader who loves this book might find some aspects of it annoying. and we also can’t ignore the fact that many things in the book have been exaggerated.
Think about it being a retelling of Beauty and the Beast, we would say, this book can never come close to being a retelling of such a great story. It practically has bit off too much for it to swallow.

A Court Of Thorns And Roses Book Review- Themes
A Court Of Thorns And Roses Book Review Of its Themes
A Court Of Thorns And Roses Book Review will share with readers the themes that we found in this book. As a book that’s popular for being from the fantasy genre, it has quite a few themes working for it. But you know what? As a book that was supposed to be a breathtaking read and would leave an unforgettable reading experience, these themes never came to be such effective.
The book claims to have the themes of love and sacrifice, but honestly, it felt so bland. The way the story was portrayed did not reveal the level of love and sacrifice that it had formerly claimed. If that was just it then it would have been okay, but somehow it gets worse.
The theme of beauty and monstrosity makes things worse, The beast is just someone with a mask that can’t take off their mask for some curse. It just makes things bland, and the beauty rather than being a heroic character is just someone blessed with skills but rather stupid and too airheaded.
If you want to imagine the themes of Beauty and the monstrosity from this book then I guess you’re better off reading something else.
As seen in fantasy, power and authority were intricately laid and the main character had to find the secrets behind them, but sometimes these mysteries and secrets just get solved out of nowhere. There was no build-up and it was taken too lightly. at least that was how we read it.
All in all, we would say, that no matter what kind of theme the author wanted to bring out in this book, at the end of it all, it was just bland, and rather than being an unforgettable read it became a painfully unforgettable read.

A Court Of Thorns And Roses Book Review- Plot
A Court Of Thorns And Roses Book Review Of Its Plots
A Court Of Thorns And Roses Book begins as we see our MC Feyre who is a skilled huntress hunting a wolf which was a faerie. As things go on, she gets hunted by the Faerie named Tamlin who is the high lord of the Spring court and as punishment, she is given the choice to die or go back to the faerie realm of Prythian.
The book starts off showcasing the start of a dangerous and unknown journey and a new life that Feyre has to lead now. What readers would probably hope for was an intricate fantasy world that had politics with supernatural elements mixed in, alliances, fast-paced action, and sensual romance that would keep the heart beating.
But was that what we were given? The MC turned out to be skilled in many things to make it seem cool, but it just felt unnecessary, and didn’t have any background as to why she even had those skills.
If that wasn’t enough, we could even say the book was kind of a softcore erotica. There were many scenes where Feyre was sexually harassed not to say even raped perhaps, but the author made it seem soo light and even gave out nonsensical explanations for those events. It was somehow disgusting to even read those parts.
When we talk about characters, the characters were needlessly bland, they couldn’t hold a candle to the real Beauty and the Beast, we can even say, that maybe out of all the reimagining of Beauty and the Beast, this one might be the worst ones out there.
Of course, the book had romantic elements in there, but they were disgustingly covered by such scenes that really ruined its potential. Also when talking about the beast here meaning Tamlin, wasn’t he just an elvish-looking character from Tolkien’s writing just that he had an unmovable mask?
In any case, Feyre also felt a little too careless as a character, a heroin with some flaws is well in all, but to make her so out of it that she doesn’t even have a self-preservation instinct, the more annoying thing is that, she is supposed to be a great huntress with instincts like that?
It took the beauty out of the beauty. Maas is certainly a good writer, the book’s starting was spot on, but… She couldn’t make the concept of Beauty and the Beast her own.
Beauty and the Beast is a theme that readers want to read in more and more new ways, they want more of those fairy tails with new characters and a new story. Maas’s book certainly also had potential, but the author just couldn’t deliver. Compact with many nonsensical characters that don’t go with the atmosphere or maybe even impossible scenes and unneeded characters put the story through the wringer.
In our honest opinion, This sure wasn’t the author’s best work or a work that could be seen through the light of Beauty and the Beast in any way.
In Conclusion
A Court Of Thorns And Roses book review was written in a way that would lessen your intake of spoilers, and just get our views across to readers who are hoping to know about the book, so the things we talked about here are a reflection of our thoughts after going through the book itself. Hoping to have helped all our readers gain what they needed.
This will be the end of our A Court Of Thorns And Roses book review, if you’re interested in more of our articles, feel free to browse around and get the best experience as an avid book reader!
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